How do you combine design and business strategy to create new growth?
IA Collaborative supported Allstate in its journey to extend beyond its roots as a company selling insurance to a data-driven technology company with innovative protection solutions, including reinvented identity protection. IA helped the Allstate team concieve, design and launch the first MVP of the Allstate Digital Footprint™ Tool, which is now part of a suite of services under Allstate Identity Protection. A new revenue stream for the company that has enjoyed steady growth since launch, the Allstate Identity Protection product has surged in popularity in an online-only world and enabled Allstate to make a meaningful contribution during the COVID-19 crisis.
9.3 million digital accounts and 83,000 data breaches identified so far in the hundreds of thousands of Digital Footprint scans by Allstate’s customers since launch.
1 / Personal Data: A Valuable Asset Worth Protecting
What do you think of when you hear Allstate? That your most valuable things are in good hands? Today, that’s your car and home, but increasingly, your most valuable things are not just physical things–they are intangible assets like your personal data. In fact, data is now among our most valuable assets as individuals.
2 / The Digital Footprint™ Tool
Allstate is supporting this reality by launching a new-to-the-world digital product that leverages real data to help users visualize, monitor, and take control of their “digital footprint”online. A key insight uncovered through design research was that users were very interested in “shining a light” on their online digital profiles, rather than “locking down” their data – an important behavioral indicator to inform the design of the product. As a result, the Allstate Digital Footprint emphasizes discovery over fear; demystifying and contextualizing digital identity protection and empowering people to safely “love their digital lives.”
Most people think they have only 30 online accounts. On average, they have over 150 accounts.
3 / Emphasizing Discovery vs. Fear
Another surprising insight that informed the creation of the tool: designers found that the initial process of discovery was the most valuable touchpoint for users –they loved the “aha” moment of learning how many online digital accounts they had and who had access to their data; most people thought they only had 30 accounts when in reality the average is over 150. Allstate invested heavily in that part of the user experience, creating a beautiful, interactive data visualization tool to help users understand and manage their online data in a simple, intuitive, and enjoyable way – making seemingly intangible information tangible, and inviting discovery.
4 / The Birth of Allstate Identity Protection
After IA Collaborative and Allstate successfully launched an MVP pilot with 2,000 users, Allstate completed the acquisition of InfoArmor, a leading provider of identify protection services, for $525 million in cash. InfoArmor’s existing distribution channels and technology infrastructure complemented Allstate’s business model and helped established a new division of the company, now known as Allstate Identity Protection.